Most popular
Waterbed PRIMO  Box
Waterbed PRIMO Box


Waterbed DREAM with foam
Waterbed DREAM with foam


Waterbed PRIMO Deluxe Split
Waterbed PRIMO Deluxe Split


Waterbed Basic Line
Waterbed Basic Line


Waterbed Premium DELUXE
Waterbed Premium DELUXE


Watermattress Aquatube
Watermattress Aquatube

2120.00€ 1908.00€

Light water mattress Anatomic
Light water mattress Anatomic

1553.00€ 1397.70€




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» » European Waterbeds
European Waterbeds
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Waterbed SOFT d'Akva waterbeds
Waterbed AKVA VEGA - La Maison du Dos
Exclusiv Design for Akva waterbeds
Waterbed Modulex d'Akva waterbeds - La Maison du Dos
Splitwaterbed design by Akva Waterbeds
Modulex Select with headbed Mont Ventoux Comfort - La Maison du Dos
Splitwaterbed design by Akva Waterbeds
CARLA or CARLA Q waterbed
New Boxspring design by Akva Waterbeds
Akva Boxbed with headbed Olympus- La Maison du Dos
Boxspring design by Akva Waterbeds
Akva Nori - La Maison du Dos
The Nori bed von Akva is only saled with an Akva Softside or hardside waterbed
Akva EMMA Bed- La Maison du Dos
The EMMA bed von Akva is only saled with an Akva Softside or hardside waterbed
Waterbed AKVA LYRA - La Maison du Dos
Hardside Waterbed with Head and feetbed
Waterbed Akva Sense - La Maison du Dos
Akva Sense waterbed for Snoezelen room
Waterbed SAM'S - La Maison du Dos
Sam's Waterbed for kids
Number of products : 33

La Maison du Dos offers a wide range of European waterbeds, including Akva Waterbeds since 1994.

Delivery, including installation and adjustment of the waterbeds, is always included in our offers.

All these beddings are washable and repairable and/or partially renewable. They offer a much longer service life than other types of mattress, without any loss of support quality.

In addition to the major brands of waterbeds, you can choose the bedding that meets your requirements from our selection of La Maison du Dos waterbeds and stand-alone water mattresses, or air suspension mattresses with overlay mattresses.

For health and well-being establishments:

Akva Snoezelen areas and the Akva Sense multisensory waterbed for therapy and relaxation.